Sunday, February 19, 2017

Think Dirty. Get Clean.

Sunday Fundaybetter than a Monday! Just a little nod to one of my favorite shows ever. Anyone else watch and LOVE You’re the Worst on FXX? You should.You're welcome for the song that's about to be stuck in your head. 

We spent our Sunday Funday outside as much as possible because HELLO, it’s 65 degrees in Ohio IN FEBRUARY! Sunny weather makes this crew happy!

We always spend our Sunday mornings meal planning, grocery shopping and trying out a new (or oldie but goody) brunch spot. Today we had the kiddos and decided to treat them to one of our favorites816 Pint & Slice in Fort Wayne. The pizza is delicious and as big as your head! It’s also not on the diet, so we had gluten free grinders which were really yummy!  I highly recommend checking it out!

Back to the grocery shopping. My main goal today was to purchase the items we needed to get back to natural, non-toxic cleaningfor ourselves AND our home! Ironically, my best group text friends (doesn't everyone have that ONE group text that never ends?) and I were discussing cleaning products today and I was so geeky excited that they brought it up because I knew I was posting a blog on exactly that!

So many of the products we use every single day are so full of toxins and carcinogens. Shampoo, lotion, cleaners, laundry soapyou name it. Even items marked as “natural” are, well, not so much. The products that are the scariest to me are all of the items we use in the shower or in our kids’ baths. A time when the steam has our pores so open and susceptible and we are lathering up with yummy smelling everything! Those scented goodies we suds up with are full of things that are terrible for our bodies! They can cause inflammation in anyone (but especially those of us with inflammatory disease like endo), introduce carcinogens, and trigger many allergic reactions. These items also have a huge impact on reproductive organs, as well as a host of other issues!

Even when we think we are buying the best products because they’re marketed as “healthy”, “all natural”, “organic”we often are still buying toxic stuff. How can you know which is good and which just LOOKS good? Well.there’s an app for that! Think Dirty is a totally free app that you can download to your iPhone or Android. It allows you to scan bar codes of all items from deodorant to window cleaner and everything in between. The app then gives you a rating of 0-10. Items with a score of 10 are the most dangerous and harmful. You might look like a total dork (or in our case, the 4 person family dork squad) walking through the store scanning items, but it’s very much worth knowing what you’re purchasing!

Now, to answer my group text bestieshere are some of the things I’m using in my home that work GREAT, are all natural (toxin free for me and for the Earth), and totally affordable! These are DIY items that are tried and true in the Pennington casa!

Laundry Soap
This DIY laundry soap is easy, affordable and lasts forever. And works great at cleaning stinky little (and big) boy socks!

You’ll need
¼ cup pure castile soap (I use Dr. Bronner’s Orange and Hemp)
¼ cup washing soda
¼ cup baking soda
20 drops of your favorite essential oil (lavender or orange oil are my favorites!)
1 gallon of warm water

Simply mix your warm water and dry ingredients together well in a container. (The container I used was one of about 4 we bought for our wedding and figured we’d never use again. They work like a charm!) Add in your castile soap and oil. Stir well (or in my case, have Mr. Pennington shake up).

Voila! You’re done. Use 1/3 cup per load of laundry. This detergent WILL stay liquid and will need mixed again before using.

DIY Dryer (and EVERYTHING) sheets
You’ll need:
½ cup vinegar
8-10 drops  of your favorite essential oil
Fabric cut into squares (I absolutely love those small baby washrags!)

Pour vinegar into mason jar or airtight container. Add your oils. Roll the cloths and add to the jar. The cloths will soak up the liquid. Just toss a cloth into the dryer in place of a toxic store bought dryer sheet. I use 2 for big loads.

Disregard my photos. I'm ashamed to admit that I actually am capable of taking professional images. No time for that!
But wait, there’s more
These suckers are SO amazing for cleaning glass as well! I actually made up a few jars and have them around the house for quick access. Wipe down your glass surfaces and mirrors with your “dryer sheet” and wipe clean with a dry cloth. For these I highly recommend using thieves oil from Young Living due to its anti-bacterial properties. Works better than any blue cleaner in a spray bottleand it’s safe for your family!

I can’t wait to share my essential oil beauty regimen with you soon! As I’ve mentioned, my best friend is a Young Living consultant and she has hooked up me up with some seriously amazing “potions” for helping my hair grow out, getting rid of acne, and a salt scrub that’s to die for! But more on that another day. You have to get busy downloading that Get Dirty app and scanning everything in your house. It’s terrifying and I’m sorry in advance. But not reallyit is worth it in the long run!

Enjoy your week! Hopefully you get to celebrate President’s Day at home making safe cleaners.



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